So after a glorious nights sleep in my little caravan, me and my great aunt took a trip around the local area of Lyngby. Having done so i feel alot closer to my danish roots and where my alot of my famiy grew up. We took a small steamer boat from Lyngby up a cannal and into a series of lakes. Jumping off at the top of one lake and walking around until we came to an old mansion house, that held art installations and exhibitions. Took a look around there, the current exhibition was entitiled "Your Danish Summer" and the paintings consisted of several artisits paintings of seaside and country settings, they reminded me of some of the cornish landscape paintings i've seen. Then we picked up the boat again and headed back to Lyngby, where somewhat to my amazment my great aunt informed me that she had once been able to ice skate on the lake when it had frozen over! Seriously hard to belive concidering the size of it!!
After that we took a short to a local open air museum, that contained old farm houses from various areas of Denmark and all varying in ages. was a quite intresting really.
Any way now i'm back at home and were about to eat dinner so i better be off.
Copenhagen and the "free-town" of Christiana tomrrow

Child Labour in Denmark is clearly a problem, as this poor girl was forced to captain our boat!!
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